CFK wants judge investigating her assassination attempt recused
Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) requested Judge María Eugenia Capuchetti be relieved from handling the Sept. 1 assassination attempt against her, claiming the magistrate had paralyzed and boycotted the investigation.
CFK said in a video statement released Thursday through social media that there were ties between opposition Congressman Gerardo Milman and a TV panelist, which clearly showed how Capuchetti had mishandled the case.
I want to share with you the following video. As a result of the facts that you are about to see and hear, I have instructed my lawyers to recuse Judge María Eugenia Capuchetti, CFK said, claiming Deputy Milman had never been summoned to testify despite reports that he had been overheard at a restaurant telling two of his aides that “When they kill her I am on my way to the coast.”
Milman was caught on camera entering a restaurant called Casablanca together with his aides Carolina Gómez Mónaco, -Miss Argentina in 2012- and María Mroué, a reporter for Crónica TV, which was the first station ever to interview CFK’s attacker Fernando Sabag Montiel and his girlfriend Brenda Uliarte.
In addition to that, Milman submitted 13 days before the attack a bill reading that some enlightened vanguardist might intend to fuel the climate of violence with a false-flag attack on CFK in order to victimize her. Co-authoring the bill was Deputy Francisco Sánchez, who had requested the death penalty for CFK hours before. The bill also mentions that Without Cristina there is Peronism, without Peronism there is still Argentina.
Quiero compartir con ustedes el siguiente video. A raíz de los hechos que van a ver y escuchar, he instruido a mis abogados a recusar a la jueza María Eugenia Capuchetti. pic.twitter.com/LiLka92Mm3
— Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina) November 10, 2022
Milman used to be Deputy Security Minister under current PRO Chairwoman Patricia Bullrich, a likely candidate for next year’s presidential elections. From that position, Milman was closely linked to intelligence resources. Gómez Mónaco was appointed Director of the School of Criminal Intelligence in 2017 and she and Mroué are also business partners.
CFK insisted that after Capuchetti’s inactions, the Judiciary must be wanting her jailed or dead.
Milman is a lawmaker on behalf of the Mauricio Macri-founded PRO party, which in addition to the Radical Civic Union of former Presidents Raúl Alfonsín and Fernando de la Rúa make up the Together for Change (JxC – Juntos por el Cambio) opposition coalition.
So far, three people have been arrested for the failed attack against CFK: Sabag Montiel, Uliarte, and Gabriel Carrizo, head of the so-called Cotton Candy Gang, the name stemming from the cover business the suspects had mounted in the vicinity of CFK’s home to wander unnoticed through the area.
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