Scioli insists he will make new attempt to reach Casa Rosada
Do you want to know what my ideas are? See what I am doing and what I have done, Scioli insisted
Former Argentine Vice President Daniel Scioli insisted Thursday that he would make another attempt to reach Casa Rosada after losing the 2015 runoff to Mauricio Macri.
Argentina’s current Ambassador to Brasilia ratified his candidacy and announced what he called a set of renewed ideas with a vision on the importance of energy as a strategic asset.
Scioli also said he would target the overlapping of taxes that hinders the development of companies and SMEs in the country, as a pillar to attract investments, while focusing on energy and the importance of the Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline.
The former Governor of Buenos Aires made those remarks during a radio interview in which he ratified his initiative to run in the Frente de Todos primaries. We are still paying the bill of the previous government, which left a country with the IMF loan, with a dismantled productive apparatus, he said about the Macri administration (2015-2019).
I have my head open to talking with economists of all ideological and action lines, but today our political space governs, and I do not want to interfere and give another reading, Scioli stressed.
Do you want to know what my ideas are? See what I am doing and what I have done, Scioli insisted.
The Gas Pipeline will allow us to have a virtuous circuit of gas in a more economical way for the industry, for households, he went on.
Today there is an overlapping of national, provincial, and municipal taxes that is burdensome and complex for any SME, he also pointed out.
Scioli also explained that said he favored a state-run Aerolíneas Argentinas, unlike Macri, who said we had to dynamite everything, and that’s how we faired.
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