Argentina: Massa would not keep all Kirchnerites onboard if elected

Argentina: Massa would not keep all Kirchnerites onboard if elected


Argentina: Massa would not keep all Kirchnerites onboard if elected

Monday, October 16th 2023 – 09:51 UTC

Massa admitted mistakes had been made

Argentina’s Economy Minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa said Sunday over dinner with 96-year-old TV host Mirtha Legrand that some ministers of the Alberto Fernández administration would not be included in his government, should he get elected.

Massa also pointed out that former Economy Minister Roberto Lavagna, who played a key role in the country’s recovery under President Eduardo Duhalde following the 2001 collapse, “will have an important place in my government”.

“Lavagna is going to be very important in what is to come”, said Massa. ”From December 10, Roberto will have a lot to do (with my government),” he added about the father of the current head of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec), Marco Lavagna.

Asked by Legrand if all Kirchnerites would remain under him, Massa replied that “on October 22nd the majority of Argentines will choose the flag when going to the ballot box, I have no doubt.”

When the hostess brought up the potential role of former President and current Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in his campaign, Massa was firm: “The candidate is me, Mirtha!”

“It must be understood that the leadership, as of December 10, is my responsibility,” he added.

“I believe that we should not go to the ballot box either with hatred or with anger,” Massa went on before apologizing “to the people who are disappointed.” The minister admitted mistakes had been made.

Massa’s campaign has been rescheduled for this coming week, with some appearances rearranged due to problems stemming from the surge in the quotation of the “blue” (a euphemism for “black market”) dollar, it was also reported in Buenos Aires.

Legrand’s show was pivotal in the upcoming elections after Juntos por el Cambio’s choice for Economy Minister -Carlos Melconián- failed last Saturday to disperse all doubts surrounding audios linking him to an alleged influence-peddling scandal involving sexual favors when appearing with presidential hopeful Patricia Bullrich, which bolstered Libertarian Javier Milei’s role as main opposition leader.


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